it’s a feeling
she sees a wave rise in the distance, grow, approach, change form and color, fold over itself, break, vanish, and flow again.
In life, moments of harmony rise to the level of serendipity. coincidence or faith? In the collective consciousness, somewhere between reality and dream, connected in the utopian realms where we long for bravery to be as vulnerable and fragile as life itself. we encountered each other in an incomplete form, joining forces to become dreamers, embark on an infinite journey of self-discovery, and collect our fragmented existence. becoming one with nature, becoming one with what we are.
surrounded by silence, we find ourselves being suspended in the pleasure of the solitude that unfolds the vastness of one’s mind. an endless horizon of both exciting and unbearable encounters. In the bath of emptiness, we explore the sharpest shadows of the dark. In the darkness we saw both everything and nothing. a pure void in which we find a state of fullness, embracing the process of emptying the mind. You may wonder how one can search for something unknown...lLeaving the rationale behind and giving space to intuition is what informs emotions. the mystery is the compass of our shared language, guiding us through the seemingly unknown in everyday life through this philosophical and creative exploration of collective consciousness that emphasizes the importance of shared hopes and beliefs...
It takes some time to transcribe feelings into thoughts and thoughts into words. While I am still figuring out whether this is a documentary series or an album about a chosen family, it feels like a poetic diary to me. A fragmented collection of life tools that have brought us closer to the centre of our whole existence. I believe that to understand the world, one needs to search deeply into the ground of conditioning. Just like the moon moves from micro to macro level, to sustain the world globally, we shall aspire to let it die and let it be born again. Social bonds and togetherness. Words and visuals. Honesty and vulnerability. For me, it is a way of being and acting. Writing and photographing aren’t means to an end. It is a form of legacy. It is a life-long, never-ending discovery to sifted bittersweet roots and tangled weeds that stretch back decades. They are now popping up as odorous ambrosia and leaving dazed traces throughout one’s life and relationships. Once, James Baldwin aptly voiced, ‘You’ve got to remember what you are looking at is also you’.
People close to us are the mirrors, diaries in which we record our history, helping us to know ourselves and to remember ourselves. In our day-to-day lives, we build new dreams from which we return transformed, more vital, carrying a more solidified awareness of ourselves. Moreover, we learn more about love, human conditions, and the universe. As we have walked this path — alone, together — moving in the same circle, we realize that we find ourselves through loving others.
2018 ~ 2024